Monday, November 3, 2008

In which Guinea Fowl made me sad....

Tis silly, I KNOW, but tis true!! Today, I was walking across the 22 acre lush park that is my campus, and for ONCE I had on shoes!!! I heard the annoying honk/screech of one of our herd? flock? gaggle? of guinea fowl, usually razor-blades-to-my-ears awful, but at least there's an end. Not so with this instance, he would NOT stop and I was impatient and quick to temper with him. Until I realized - he was NOT with the flock (I prefer gaggle for the simple alliteration), and was merely crying out to be found. Then I was sad, and almost frantic to help point him toward his fowl brethren. Sure enough, around a corner, there they were and I wrangled him a bit toward them.

Me being me and putting WAY too much thought and personification and allegory into things sometimes, had the moment to ponder how many times I do just that when I've lost my way, lost my gaggle and feel alone, overlooked, abandoned and left behind?