My house no longer has a well (borehole). It used to, but that’s another story. School has a borehole, which provides, if nothing else, drinkable water, as well as distilled water coolers…therefore I borrowed a 20 litre metal gerry can, appropriate for water. Yet yesterday, the water cooler in my building was out of a bottle. And I knew I needed to fill the can for the weekend. Therefore, I stood at a sink, and filled the can, one 18 water bottle full at a time. (and much thanks to Stacie for the fabulous steel water bottle). I laughed inwardly at the pure ridiculousness the sight must have made, but somehow was content at the tedious and working process I went through to provide myself water – and cliché as it would seem – that water is much more appreciated by me, than say, if I had merely turned on a tap. Meaning of course – when I DO visit home, I’ll most likely have a strong gratefulness for the things we all so easily take for granted.
Such as shower curtains!! As my EIGHTEEN boxes of stuff have not even arrived to Durban yet (that’s the port town in SA) I’m still living off of what I brought in my four suitcases. Besides all the fabulous items of mine (more than half the possessions I own in the world) are my bloody SHOWER CURTAINS. So, needless to say, I’ve been taking “open showers” since I’ve been here. Hehehehe. And since our pump is temporarily broken – the trick is to go out and turn it on before you want a shower, and go turn it off when you’re finished. Unless you’re me and you’re so thankful for hot water and water pressure that the pump decides you’ve had a long enough shower and turns itself off.!!
As is understood, Zesa, or the power, is out a LOT. Not necessarily a lot at MY place (knock on wood) but city wide. Meaning, full moon nights are the best ones to drive because streetlights that work are like unicorn sightings. (Or emotionally available military men! ☺ ) But the Zim thing to do is drive with brights on - ALL THE BLOODY TIME. No one has EVER explained the idea of turning OFF the brights in opposing traffic. So there’s a great deal of driving batty BLIND.On
Good times – as always.